Jefferson County FFA Alumni Tractor Pull

Official Rules
General Rules

1. Both antique and modern farm tractors are allowed in all classes.
2. Gas and diesels are allowed in all classes. NOTE: Excessive smoke not allowed!
This is an indoor pull with no smoke tube available. “Smoker” diesels are not
allowed to pull, only diesel farm tractors with stock injectors, turbo’s, etc.
3. Tractors must weigh within limits of each weight class with a maximum 100 lbs
over weight. Hang-on weights are allowed in all classes. Bracket pull must not
exceed listed weight, no overage allowed.
4. Front weights cannot extend more than 11’ from the center of the rear axle, rear
weights must not extend rearward beyond rear tires and must not interfere with
hook point.
5. Tractors must have Ag engines, heads, frames, transmissions, rear-ends and must
be of the same manufacturer as the tractor. Frames must be the same length and
width and engine in the same position as from the factory. Tractor must have the
same number of cylinders that came in the tractor from the factory. Tractors must

retain stock appearance and stock engine blocks unless pulling in the 15mph or V-
8 classes.

6. Drawbars will have a maximum height of 20 inches from the ground to the hook
point and must be a minimum of 18 inches from the center of the rear axle to
hook point. Drawbar must be stationary in all directions and the hitch must allow
the sled hook to move freely. Trailer balls may not be used as hitching point on
7. Any object falling from the tractor while it is hooked to the sled will result in
8. If any tire or part of the tractor touches or crosses the boundary line, the pull will
end and be measured from that point.
9. Pullers less than 18 years of age requires parent or guardian approval.
10. Each puller has two attempts to cross the 50’ mark. Pull is official after crossing
the 50’ mark. Pull is over when forward motion of the sled stops or the red flag is
11. Any puller will be disqualified for unsportsmanlike conduct, intoxication, or
failing to stop when the red flag is displayed. Judges’ decision is always final.
12. Wheelie bars are required on all tractors. Wheelie bars must extend past radius of
tire and be structurally capable of supporting the entire weight of the tractor in the
heaviest class pulled.
13. Tractors pulling in classes with speed limits will be disqualified if the speed limit
is broken after passing the marker placed at the 75-100’ mark. If the horn blows
past this point, the puller is disqualified and the red flag will be displayed. Any

puller that does not stop when the red flag is displayed will be disqualified from
the rest of the event and will forfeit all remaining hook fees.
14. Radial and bias ply tires are allowed in all classes. No steel wheels or duals
allowed. Tractors must be 2 wheel drive only. Check specific class rules for tire
requirements and regulations.
15. All tractors must have working governors and safety kill switch and must pull
side shields for RPM checks at any time. MSD ignition boxes will be allowed.
16. Gas, diesel and LP fuels only. No alcohol or nitrous oxide fuels are to be used in
any tractors.
17. Any tractor that runs over 3000 rpm must used approved safety scatter blanket
covering flywheel and clutch housing 360 degrees.
18. Tractors in 6 and 12 mph classes must keep rpm’s below 3000. 4mph class
tractors may run no more than 30% over factory stock rpm’s.
19. If the first puller in a class makes a full pull, the sled will be adjusted and the class
will start over. Puller has the option of pulling 1st or hooking last in the class.
20. After the driver completes their pull, they are to drive the tractor across the scales
to measure weight and hitch height, if driver fails to re-scale after pulling, the pull
distance will be disqualified.
21. It is each driver’s responsibility to get lined up and be ready to back up to the sled
to hook as soon as the sled is parked. Puller will be disqualified from the class if
they are not lined up and ready to hook when it is their turn. Those with
mechanical problems may request to be moved to the end of the pull order to deal
with mechanical issues and avoid being disqualified.
22. Every person taking part in the pull must sign the insurance release form and
liability agreement. Legal guardian must sign for minors.
23. All tractors will be limited to 3 hooks per tractor, not counting the bracket pull
24. Any protest must be filed with the flagman or pull official prior to the tractor
being protested leaving the end of the track. Protestor must pull in the same class
as the tractor being protested and protestor’s tractor will be checked first
according to class rules. All protestors must pay a $50 protest fee. All rules will
be interpreted by the tractor pull committee who will have the final ruling.
Protestor will get $50 protest fee back if puller in question is found to be illegal.

32 Tractor Bracket Pull Rules
1. Maximum 6 mph. Horn will be set to blow at 6.1 mph. Any tractor blowing the
horn after passing the marker on the track will be stopped and disqualified from
the class.
2. 20” hitch height maximum. Pulling hitches allowed.
3. Maximum 16.9 X 38 tires, Top Cut Only.
4. 5250 lbs maximum- No weight overage allowed.
5. All tractors must be present and weigh into the arena when the bracket pull starts.
6. All tractors must weigh and have hitch checked immediately after unhooking
from the sled each time they hook in the bracket.

4.0 MPH Classes
1. Maximum 4 mph. Horn will be set to blow at 4.1 mph, any tractor blowing the
horn after passing the marker on the track will be stopped and disqualified from
the class.
2. 20” hitch height maximum. Pulling hitches allowed.
3. Any cut tires okay, maximum 16.9 X 38 tires. 18.4 X 38 allowed in classes over
7000 lbs.
4. 30% over stock RPM’s, subject to check at any time.
5. Shifting of TA’s allowed.
Uncut Tire Classes
All uncut tire classes will follow the same rules as 4.0 mph classes except tires
may not be modified or altered in any way. Maximum 16.9 X 38
Top Cut Only Classes
All Top Cut Only classes will follow the same rules as the 4.0 mph classes with
the exception of only Top Cut or Uncut tires being allowed. Maximum 16.9 X 38
6.0 MPH Classes
1. Maximum 6 mph. Horn will be set to blow at 6.1 mph, any tractor blowing
the horn after passing the marker on the track will be stopped and disqualified
from the class.
2. 20” hitch height maximum. Pulling hitches allowed.
3. Any cut tires okay, maximum 18.4 X 38 tires.
4. 3000 rpm’s maximum, subject to check at any time.
5. Shifting of TA’s allowed.
12.0 MPH Classes
1. Maximum 12 mph. Horn will be set to blow at 12.1 mph, any tractor blowing the
horn after passing the marker on the track will be stopped and disqualified from
the class.
2. 20” hitch height maximum. Pulling hitches allowed.

3. Any cut tires okay, maximum 18.4 X 38 tires.
4. 3000 rpm’s maximum, subject to check at any time.
5. Shifting of TA’s allowed.
15 MPH Classes

1. Maximum 15 mph. Horn will be set to blow at 15.1 mph, any tractor
blowing the horn after passing the marker on the track will be stopped and
disqualified from the class.
2. 20” hitch height maximum. Pulling hitches allowed.
3. Any cut tires okay, no tire size limit.
4. Working kill switch required.
5. Tractors running more than 3000 rpm’s required to have scatter blanket.
6. Non-original equipment engine types are allowed in the class. (ex.
Automotive engines, etc)

Heavy Farm Stock Rules
1. 10,000 lbs. +
3. This class is only for farm tractors with factory type engines, injection pumps, and
injectors. Stock turbo’s only. No water injection, etc.
4. Top cut or Uncut tires only.
Economy V-8 Rules
1. Frame may be lengthened no more than 14 ft. from the center of the rear axle to the
farthest point forward.
2. Automotive V-8 engines allowed. Big block or small block.
3. Hot rod tractors must have kill switches hooked to the sled, wheely bars and approved
scatter shields consisting of either scatter blankets, 1/4 inch plate enclosure, or SFI
approved scatter shield. U-Joints must be protected by metal also.
4. Tractors must weigh within class limit of 5,500 lbs. Including driver.
5. Fire suit and helmet mandatory.
6. Seat belts required.
7. Wide front ends optional.
8. Roll cage or roll bar required.
9. Harmonic balancer must be shielded with 1⁄4 inch steel so harmonic balancer can’t
move forward and come off crankshaft.
Gas Trucks
Contact truck pull coordinator Gary Dale West @ 931-319-9397